As with most couples, do your date night conversations consist of only talking about the kids, work, and/or finances (or lack thereof)? Perhaps silence with an occasional blank stare over the dinner table describes your typical date night. If so, try using these discussion starters to take your conversations to an entirely new level of affirmation and intimacy.
The next time you go out on a dinner date with your spouse, agree to not talk about the typical topics such as the kids, work, or finances. Rather, use the following seven discussion starters to enhance your conversation. Remember to guard your conversation by focusing on the positive and not allowing room for cynicism or sarcasm. Another helpful hint is to avoid the hazard of interpreting your spouse’s comments through a negative filter.
It also goes without saying... " Leave Your Cell Phone in Your Pocket or Purse! "
Questions to ask your spouse...
1. What is something you enjoyed as a child and have not done in years? 2. Describe a time in your marriage when you felt especially alive and joyful? 3. What was your favorite date with your spouse… why? 4. What is your favorite story you like to tell about your spouse? 5. Complete this sentence: “It would make me a better person if I were more like you in the way you_______.” 6. What would your spouse say is the one thing you could do to make them the happiest person on earth? 7. Something about your spouse that you hope never changes…